Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Isaiah 6: A Vision of a Holy God

"And one called to another and said: 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; 
the whole earth is full of his glory!'" Isaiah 6:3
For the last two weeks at WBC, we've been looking at Isaiah 6. In this chapter, Isaiah sees a vision of a holy God, he is blown over by his own sinfulness in the presence of this God, and he is cleansed at the initiative of God by the coals of a sacrificial atonement. Then Isaiah is called and commissioned to preach to God's people who would be stubborn and refuse to listen to his message. God tells Isaiah that he is to continue to preach this message until His destructive judgement is utterly poured out on the land. Yet even then, God gives hope that there would be salvation that would come through the Seed of the Woman--the Son of David.

Listen here and join us in the worship of this Holy God. 

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